Part 3 of the presentation given by Willie Grills at the American Evangelism in Scarcely Lutheran Areas conference in Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
A Podcast By Dr Koontz and Rev Fisk
Part 3 of the presentation given by Willie Grills at the American Evangelism in Scarcely Lutheran Areas conference in Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
Dr Adam Koontz answers listener questions about growing Paganism, advice for parenting, and being problematic.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Part 2 of the presentation given by Willie Grills at the American Evangelism in Scarcely Lutheran Areas conference in Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about the Kennedy assassination and the second attempt on Trump, narrative control, and an introduction to a series on psychology.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
The presentation given by Willie Grills at the American Evangelism in Scarcely Lutheran Areas conference in Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Olive Branch, Mississippi.
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about the formation of the FBI, criticisms of the government in New England, accounts of Christian martyrs, and the second assassination attempt on Trump.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about the practice of closed communion, how and when to answer the fool, and fatherhood and one’s sense of self.
Many thanks to our sponsors, Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, ID and Luther Classical College.
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Col Willie Grills talk about the reasons for growth and decline of church bodies in America, whether the LCMS is sabotaging itself, and how the way churches are constituted affects what they do.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
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