Dr Adam Koontz talks about social media and how we use our time.
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
A Podcast By Dr Koontz and Rev Fisk
Dr Adam Koontz talks about social media and how we use our time.
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Willie Grills talks about urban legends in America, how to think about horror stories, and why folk tales are effective at communicating culture.
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about psychology, the distinction between body, soul, and spirit, the study of homiletics, and the effect of modern media on the soul.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about the Kennedy assassination and the second attempt on Trump, narrative control, and an introduction to a series on psychology.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Col Willie Grills talk about the life and ministry of Walter A Maier, his radio career, how he was seen by his church in the past and how he’s portrayed after his death, and his lasting legacy.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about the separation of public and private life, the orders of creation, how to think about electing leaders, and how media influences our thinking on politics.
Many thanks to our sponsors, Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, ID and Luther Classical College.
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Rev Jonathan Fisk talk about being a Try Hard in the pastorate, the Olympics opening ceremonies, the mindset that refuses to point out evil, and living in fear of conspiracies.
Many thanks to our sponsors, Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, ID and Luther Classical College.
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev Fisk – St Paul Rockford and Hebron Collegium
Dr Adam Koontz and Col Willie Grills talk about how Cable TV came about and become so popular, the differences between cable and broadcast TV, how the term Cable Cowboys was coined, and the effect that it had on the generation that grew up on it.
Many thanks to our sponsors – Direct E-Care and Mission of the Cross, Crosslake MN, (Website, Facebook)
Dr Koontz – Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pr. Willie Grills – Zion Lutheran Church
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